10 July 2008

Brotherly Love

If ever he gives his little sister a hard time ~ and he will ~ I will kindly remind him of how much he ADORES her at this moment. 100 times a day Buby scoots closer to our bebe Bleu to feel her soft cheeks against his. Smell her freshly washed hair. Tickle her twinkle toes. Whisper "I love you" in her ear. Seeing them together is such magic for me. I gave birth to these two people. That in itself just amazes me.


allison said...

So cute. Love her twinkle toes! It took me a moment to realize the first photo is the same as the second...duh! Guess I'm tired.

allison said...

There is a song by Justin Roberts that is about being an older sibling. I'll check to see if I have it.

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Sweetness, I love their expressions...the way Buby is really enjoying his time with his eyes closed, while Bebe takes in the moment with a smile...you are so blessed!

Mommy said...

She does smell good, Bubs! Hey, I recognize that pillow...