14 June 2008

Busy Bees

image: flickr

We had a booked calendar last week and several unforeseens. 3 friends hosted BBQs. Lil' brother + future sis-in-law in town for only 2 days. Doctors appts, grocery shopping, 3 kid classes, chores at home, and swimming to cool down. A toddler who would not nap but would meltdown unexpectedly. AND on Thursday morning... the plumbing incident of '08. $1,000 down the drain + a mighty big cleanup. Today is Father's Day. Tomorrow we have our second to last gym class and a picnic playdate at the lake while Harry {the house painter} and Aga do their thing. Tuesday begins several days of appointments, guests and prep for Buby + Bleu's first road trip together. I'll try to post nightly.

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