29 January 2008

Pretty Things

Blue + green are my favorite colors. Didn't you know? This image ran as the 'color palette of the month' in Country Home a million months ago. I saved it and rediscovered it this weekend when I was cleaning out my home office. In addition to an addiction to writing utensils {inherited from my mom}, the cool + calm shades in this shot inspire me. I would lather my whole house in it if I could.


Anonymous said...

People think I'm crazy when I say that Staples is my favorite place to shop. My office is filled with fun post it notes and paper clips. I think you did get this from me.


Alana Goldstein said...

Love these colrs too, I would just add yellow (my other favorite)to the mix and be very soothed.

Alana Goldstein said...

oops thats colors... sorry

allison said...

What a great photo. Love the colors. And I agree with your mom about Staples!