18 January 2008

Old Photo Friday

The summer of '97. Frolicking on a Florida beach. My Sweets + I just before driving from New York to Arizona for journalism and grad school.
photo taken by grammy dj


Alana Goldstein said...

oooh!! What a beautiful photo of the two of you. So in love I can just tell!

allison said...

Great photo! You two look adorable.

Lilypad Mom said...

You two are so cute together.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that photo was taken over 10 years ago. Look at your life today.


Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

That's just before I met you both! Wow, can you believe we've known each other that long? The picture looks like a shot right out of a mag!!!

Grandma DJ said...

i remember that day well .. how about the pic of you on tom's shoulders taken that same day!! very cute together you are!!
love you forever