22 January 2008

Lunch Date

2 little friends + 2 moms + 2 dads = 6 for lunch. After Buby's Little Gym class yesterday we all met at Ruby Tuesdays. It's THE destination for hungry toddlers. The booths are long, super tall + private. Buby devoured the salad bar {tomatoes, cheese, grapes, pumpernickel croutons, chickpeas, soybeans, and carrot shavings} while waiting for his teeny tiny turkey burger and mashed potatoes. He and Lillian were delightful as ever. They sat across from each other giggling quietly while us parents had FULL conversations. At the very end, Lillian asked if she could come over to our side. After many an impromptu hug, I pulled out my camera.


Grandma DJ said...

you gotta love best friends and good times together!! they are so cute!! it's nice when the daddies have a day off and can join the fun!! love you forever

allison said...

They look so cute together. We know that salad bar very well, though my little one will only eat the black olives there. Piles and piles of them.

Triple the Love said...

Sounds like a super fun day- glad Daddy could join in!

Alana Goldstein said...

They are so cute together!!! Almost like brother and sister. Sounds like the adults got to enjoy a nice lunch too!!!

Anonymous said...

Buby has a big heart and many people to share it with. He's so lucky that everyday is made so special by you and Tom.

Miss you guys but we'll be seeing you soon - can't wait!
