12 November 2007

Little Big Boy

Last night was a night I've dreaded pretty much since Buby was a tiny babe. Moving him from a safe crib to a real bed. We braced for the worst! Prepared to not sleep a wink. Resigned ourselves to a lengthy adjustment period. Would he ever sleep again? Would he stand at the gate and scream "MAMA!" and "DADDY!" until we rescued him? Or worse... open the door, climb over the gate and fall down the stairs in the dark? Would he pull out his dresser drawers or get stuck in his closet at 3am? Would he fall out of bed and be afraid to get back in? I've heard it all. And my brother Mark did most of it at 2. My poor parents. Buby has always been a good sleeper and was totally cool with his crib. So why fix something that isn't broken? He's a big 2, we need his crib for Bebe's nursery, and Daddy was eager to start the process. We went shopping Saturday for a bed, a twin mattress, a matching toy chest, a real pillow and cover, a waterproof mattress cover, a quilt and quilt cover. Oops.. we don't have any twin sheets in the house! I ran back out Sunday and then washed it all before setting up his room last night. Buby started cheering when we reached the top of the stairs and he could see his new room. Daddy kissed Buby goodnight after prayers and I crawled into the bed with him and the HUGE stack of books he picked out. By the time I cracked open book #2 {and these books are SHORT!}, Buby was out. What? It wasn't even 9:30pm. I tip-toed down to the master bedroom and crawled into my bed with the baby monitor. Not a sound during "Brothers & Sisters." Phew. Daddy and I checked on him at 11pm, and we just stood there in awe of how grown-up he is. When did this happen? At 5:12am, I heard a single "MAMA!" and sprinted upstairs. But he was still sleeping. He didn't wake up until 7:15am. When I walked in, he was standing there--totally content--checking out his new {still empty} toy box. I got a "HI, MAMA," and a great big hug. I took him to The Little Gym this morning thinking, "Okay, last night was an anomaly. He'll probably never nap again." Well, he's in there now... sleeping like a baby. I know 2s are unpredictable, and tonight ANYthing can happen. But fingers crossed! Today we are just so proud.


allison said...

I am in awe. I will have Jon read this when he gets home tonight. We are so proud of Buby and his big boy bed. It sounds like you picked a perfect time to make this very big change and he went right along with it. You and Tom are so good to have made this transition seamless for your little guy. Well done! I can't wait for Buby to whisper about the goodness of sleep to Grace during a playdate one day. I'm counting on positive peer pressure to help us all! Love the quilt. Is it from Ikea, too?

Grandma DJ said...

way to go buby!!! i am so glad daddy put the bed together before i left yesterday so to watch the beginning of this big transition..
buby really is quite a treasure!!!
love you forever

Buby + Bleu said...

Buby napped for 3 hours... first nap in his real bed. That was a lovely surprise!

Yes, quilt cover is from IKEA. They had the best designs for girls (I found 2 I LOVED in the store), and it's such a good deal!

Lilypad Mom said...

Great job Buby! He looks like such a big boy in the bed, until I think about the fact that it's a twin bed, then he looks so little in it. I'm glad he had such an easy transition, and I hope that he keeps it up for you. I can only hope that we have such an easy transition when we are ready for it.

Jen said...

I felt tears burn my eyes to realize how big he's getting and how much we miss him! Go Buby! And like I always tell my bunch - STOP GROWING UP SO FAST!

The days are long but the years are fast!

Love you!
Aunt Jen