02 October 2007

School Days

We made it through our first day of preschool with no tears. Mostly thanks to Buby's BFF Lillian. Or more affectionately..."LALLY." Buby was so close to meltdown in the car on the way over. Class is smack in the middle of his nap time. {Every two-year-old's nap time.} I was so hoping my sweet babes would find some energy reserve and get happy again. We walked in early and the first person we saw was Lillian. She and Buby immediately perked up and ran into each other's arms. They smiled, hugged, and held hands from that point on. He hadn't seen "LALLY" in a week, and he was so relieved to have her there today. They did their own things during class but came back to sit together for coloring and snack. A few times Buby yelled across the room for her... probably to show her something WAY cool and new! The month of October is a busy one for these preschoolers. The class schedule already has a field trip to pick pumpkins, a birthday party, and a Halloween costume party. Swimming starts next Tuesday as part of {and immediately following} class.


Lilypad Mom said...

Lillian was so happy to have Gavin with her on her first day. From their reaction when they saw each other I'd say a week in 2 year old time is at least a month to us.

Anonymous said...

these two are growing up too fast!!
what great pics .. how wonderful to have a good friend to walk through life's adventures with!!
love you forever