Buby's eye appointment was a success! We had to be in the car before 7:30am this morning for a 9am, because this eye surgeon {who we love!} isn't close. Buby was chipper the entire ride, kicking his feet to animal songs and pretending to feed his monkey {a favor from the monkey party} food and water. Once we got to the doctor's office, they moved us three times to new rooms. Finally we saw Dr. We Adore and she said, "Hey, you're the kid with the cool shoes!" {Remember... Buby is the first patient she's ever allowed into a sterile surgical room with Crocs on.} The dr. asked me to lay Buby in my arms and bear hug him tight. She gave him some eye drops, used forceps to pull the tube away from his eyeball and then snipped it with scissors. I almost barfed. Then she pulled one end like it was linguine until the whole tube was out. Buby screamed but really only for a minute. Before we even reached the exit he was happy again and saying "HI" to everyone who walked by. That's my bite-size hero! Drops 4xs/day for a week and we're DONE with all this eye stuff.
I'm so glad to hear it went well today. And I'm even happier to hear that you guys are one week away from being done with eye stuff! Yay for our little tough guy!
That's my Buby! Let him know how proud I am of him.
Yea Buby!!!!I am so happy that this ordeal is for all of you. It is hard to watch your child go through something like this and he handled it like a trooper. We're very proud of him!
I'm so glad that everything went ok today! Good job Buby!
buby is a real trooper but i am proud of his mama too .. she is turning out to be a real trooper too!!! happy the eye ordeal is soon behind you all .. love you forever
Good news! Good Job Buby (& Co.) Such a sensitive spot to have a procedure done- makes me blink just thinking about it! Love you all!
So happy to hear everything went well and that it is all over!! Buby is one brave lttle guy that is for sure and so are his mommy and daddy!! I would have lost my stomach too...
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