24 September 2007

10 Candles

What a moment. Five babes at a grownup table waiting ever so patiently to blow out their two candles each. A Mama or Daddy stood behind each kiddo to avoid any premature contact with the cupcakes. Lillian went first... while the others looked on in awe. Buby blew out his own. We were so proud. The whimsical monkey cupcakes were crafted by Grace's grandma. Seriously talented lady!!

It was curious to see how each child approached the art of devouring dessert. Buby ripped off the cupcake wrapper so fast, as if he's done this a hundred times before {I swear he hasn't}. He then proceeded to carefully pick apart all the decoration on top. Gillian carried her banana cookie around like it was a telephone, meticulously licking off every last little bit of frosting. Grace happily chewed up her cookies and then {when 80% done} placed them in my hand and headed back to the table for more.


Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable to see these children co-celebrating their birthdays in such a grand style - All Monkey business aside - just real home-style American kid stuff! I am so happy the cupcakes [along with all the things you all did] were a hit. What good pictures. Felt like I was there. Thanks for sharing.

Alana Goldstein said...

These pictures bring tears to my eyes. They are all growing up so fast!! It seems like yesterday we were at Musical Munchkins and they could not even crawl, they were just drooling all over each other!!!

allison said...

Photos are great. Do you think we'll do this every year?