21 June 2007

Fill in the Blanks

I wish I had these Quarterly Baby Update Cards, $17 for a pack of 10, from Sparkability when Buby was born. It's a smart shower gift for an expectant mom. I think we all enter mamahood with the most organized intentions, at least I did. But somehow after the 103rd visit to the pediatrician, I started writing my notes upside down and sideways on the back of bill envelopes or Post-Its, whatever was in my purse after the original medical record book from the dr. filled up. I'm not one for formal baby journals. And I've always created detailed scrapbooks for Buby as well as monthly Snapfish albums with info-filled captions. BUT a lot is lost on those random sticky notes. Now I can't find all of them to create a comprehensive height/weight chart. People ask me how old Buby was when he first rolled over. Ummmm! I have to go back to the photo album and cross reference. How much he weighed at a year. Ummmm! I thought those dates and significant numbers would be written into my brain forever, but I'm running out of space there, too!


allison said...

Oh, I wish I had these. What a great gift for a new mom. I'll have to save this link.

Anonymous said...

Now you know how I feel when you ask me how old you were when you did something significant. Can't remember the details but the stories around the events are etched in my brain forever. Can't wait to see you! 5 more days...