10 June 2007

Weekend Amusements

Thank you thank you to our friends for hosting a most bubylicious BBQ Saturday. And for providing this ginormous inflatable sea-themed tunnel amusement for Buby and B.F.F. Lillian. We weren't there five minutes before Buby plowed right through the submarine's side portal and began his quest. His life's mission. His journey through the unknown. Lillian was apprehensive at first. We'll cut the kid a break, as she just saw a giant orange octopus swallow her mom. I crawled in through the window, chased Buby on hand and knee, and taunted him with some "I'm gonna get you... I'm gonna get you..." I successfully scared my 20-month-old. Good job. He sought refuge in roomier corner units and at one point pretended to nap. "Hmm," Daddy and I thought, "substitute for toddler bed?" I could not stray from the infectious giggling that filled the interior walls of these kaleidoscope tunnels. Until, that is, I suddenly felt the walls closing in on me. At 30, am I too ancient for confined spaces? I jumped out and joined the other "adults" on the patio. Lillian decided she loved this thing afterall, and the two fearless adventurers continued on their merry way.

Buby and gal pal Lillian ran in circles in the backyard. At one point, the two teamed up to roll Daddy down the hill in Buby's Owl tunnel we brought with. Then Lillian rolled Buby down the same hill, laughing all the way. Ho Ho Ho! He was not only a good sport, he was begging for more.

Frisbee. Basketball. Soccer. Sandbox. Football. Slides. Tinkering with the hose on the side of the house. It was a busy afternoon, and these two friends tuckered each other out. Oh, have you heard of Nature's Promise hot diggity dogs? Apparently they are organic, nitrate-free, preservative-free. Everything your run-of-the-mill street meat is not. Lillian had them, so I offered one to Buby for his main course. It was to be his first taste of cuisine a la grill. He wouldn't even try it, though he did consume summer squash, red bell peppers, and an embarrassing amount of watermelon. There was cherry pie for dessert. Doesn't get any better than that!

* Click on photos to enlarge to full screen

1 comment:

allison said...

I love the last picture...Buby's expression is priceless!