19 May 2007

Mahalo for Buby

Pronounced mah-hah-'loh, this is the title of one of Buby's favorite Laurie Berkner songs. Simply, mahalo means thank you. But it is one of the most sacred and powerful words in the Hawaiian language. And more like a single-word prayer or blessing than just a show of gratitude. Buby has been signing thank you for quite some time now, and lately we've been belting out Berkner's tune in the car. This week for the first time, second time, third time, and so on... Buby said THANK YOU. Perfect. Precise pronunciation each time, and at just the right times. So I say mahalo to Laurie Berkner for her sweet Bubylicious music. It really is a good song that reminds kids of all the things they should be thankful for. I'd attach a clip if I knew how.

1 comment:

allison said...

So sweet! This song is special for us, too. Jon has been singing it since the day we brought Grace home. It's always had a soothing effect on her.