03 April 2007

Kick Kick Kick

Buby was quite the fish at swim lessons. He practiced sitting patiently on the pool's edge while Mama climbed in. And acclimated to the frigid temps (which never happened). Mike (papa to Buby's BFF Lillian) found a warm pocket, but word spread like wild fire (without the heat) and soon I couldn't get within five feet of it. My big mouth!

After the group sang a scary rendition of "Wheels on the Bus," we did kick kick kick. paddle paddle paddle. splash splash splash. Old teacher--who we loved--moved to Mexico last minute. New teacher is the sweetest ever but messes up basic phrases in every classic kid song. Hilarious. She is sweet, so we forgive. I'd say forget, too, but here I am telling on her. Gavin has been learning to swim (at the Y and in the pool at Buby Land), since he was 5 months old. I'd say it's going... well, swimmingly. He does "Humpty Dumpty" and jumps into my arms on the count of three. Last week he went all the way under, but Mama frets Buby gulping the water. He likes to OPEN his mouth just as he goes under.

photo: google images

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