01 April 2007

Palm Sunday

Buby will experience the traditional Palm Sunday processional later today as we have palm fronds blessed, sing along, and make our way into church. Cool!

Singing is a big part of our every day, and I like a church that sings. There's always music playing in Buby Land, because he's the only person who can bare Mama's voice. Regardless, the result is an enormous appreciation of music, melody, rhythm... despite talent, genre, or artist.
Above is Buby's recommended Palm (Passion) Sunday reading. "My Thank-You Bible" is published by Tyndale Kids and illustrated by Jane Dippold. It's one of several tomes Granny DJ sent for Gavin's Easter basket. It's chock full of fun little bible stories (perfectly short to match a toddler's attention span), vivid illos, and a sing-along CD inside. We'll listen to it on the way to church and see if we can't get Papa to belt out a tune. Watch out, Johnny C.!
PS Just back from church, so here's the delio. Buby was wearing his antsy pants, but in fairness it was a long service that ran into nap time, so he was a trooper indeed. Luckily, he spotted friends Grace, Allison, and Jon across the aisle and waved until he grew tired of them (Sorry guys!). After a brief break outside to let off steam, Buby returned. The CD is fantastic. Simple, mini prayers put to the tune of popular kid songs (like "Skip to the Lou," "Row Row Your Boat," etc), so it's catchy and easy to sing. And... not a peep from Papa.

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