24 April 2007

Ode to Aga

Whoever said "A Messy House is a Happy House" was so misinformed. And didn't have Aga... the crazy cleaning chick from Poland. I love Aga. I mean it. I LOVE HER. And she's all ours. Well, three hours every third Tuesday. I can't function in a messy house. Or a dirty one. And neither can Buby's dad. We like it clean. And for a while let's admit it really wasn't despite my best efforts juggling Buby, Buby's busy social life, freelance magazine gigs, a book rewrite on deadline, laundry, groceries, etc. It LOOKED clean always, but let's just say I freaked the first time Buby put his mouth to the master bath sink basin. At any given 3am last year, you could find me in one of three places: Buby's room nursing or rocking my baby, my home office working, or painting the house. Never in bed.
I got by quite well on no sleep. For a YEAR. And then I realized scrapbooking at 4:30am might seem like a gem of an idea at the time (with my boys snoozing, I could get done all my little Buby projects I didn't have time for during the day), but it was hurting my body. So at the peak of my exhaustion of course I was offered yet another great gig I wanted to at least consider--since they offered to let me work from here. Pretty flexible. That's when I found my Aga. We've been going strong since last January. I still clean the house between visits of course, but she sanitizes, scrubs, mops and disinfects all three bathrooms, both sets of stairs, and dusts top to bottom. Dusting sucks. As soon as she leaves, I run down to breathe in the fresh "AGA WAS HERE" air. Like an addict. Yeah, whoever said "A Messy House... " had no idea. It's a nice sentiment. But a clean house ROCKS!
photo: marthastewart.com

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