05 September 2011

The Night Before School

I'm not new to the school thing. I know about first days, parent handbooks and homework folders, line leaders and circle time, field trips and spring recitals, show-and-tell and snack helpers, curriculum and class moms. I've been doing all of this with Buby for several years now. Since he was 2, actually.

But tomorrow morning it's our girl's turn to have her first {ever!} day of school, and suddenly I have butterflies again. Luckily My Sweets will take a slightly later train into work so that he can be there as two of our three littles make their inaugural walk to the schoolhouse on the corner. I might cry. I hope to God I don't cry. If I cry Bleu will cry, and that will mess up everything. So no, I definitely won't cry. And if Bleu cries at any point during her three hours there, it might be because she and I have never practiced this being-apart business. For 3 years, 4 months and 2 weeks we have been together.

So what I'm feeling tonight is that the 'first day' stakes have doubled for us. Now I need two children to get a good night's sleep, to wake up happy, to be greeted with smiles, to sit next to a really nice person, to find the bathroom alright, to have an awesome first day. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

Have a wonderful first day of school! Love you forever