05 July 2011

Scenes from Fourth of July

We had a simple Fourth of July this year. I was happy not to host anything, and we all enjoyed an extra slow start to the day. After breakfast My Sweets worked in the yard while I bathed the children and made final preparations for our next road trip the following morning. Later I popped in a batch of my favorite fast-bake cookies while the husband made chicken salad sandwiches and cut up a whole juicy pineapple to bring.

Around 3pm we all piled into my car for a bbq on a lake near a friend's home. There was a variety of meat, old-fashion races and lake swimming, as you'd imagine. Buby was shoulder-deep in water play with his friend Grace most of the afternoon. He was absolutely blissed out.

Sometime after 8pm we booked it to a fireworks destination about 45 minutes away, and that's where we ran into more good friends in a parking lot. I love small-world surprises like that, don't you? We awaited the spectacular on cozy blankets while patriotic tunes blared through what sounded like a vintage victrola.

It was awesome but W-A-Y past bedtime. By the time we hit the finale, made our way to the front of the lines, onto a bus, back to our car and home, it was after midnight. The children all held out like champs. Next year though I may rethink our great,
great spot.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

sounds like the perfect traditions to me .. midnight and all!! love you forever