12 July 2011


Last night I brought my MacBook to bed and quickly scrolled through the
thousands of images I've flagged in i-photo over the last couple of months in search of more Cape May to share. {Ahh, there must be a better way to organize my fave shots...}

When I passed by these mother-daughter self portraits from a while back, My Sweets started to chuckle next to me. He said, "I like those. They are funny. You should post 'em." I responded, "Uh, NO. I rarely use pictures of me, especially unflattering ones." He said, "Maybe so, but someday your daughter might want and like to have them."

And I suddenly felt guilty for never including any pictures of me in our family scrapbook. So here you go.... Bleu of the future. Our funny faces, circa 2011.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

very cute ladies!! love you forever