23 June 2011


My only girl. Since birth. Smart. Obstinate. Complicated. Sweet. Mostly happy but prone to random outbursts. Controlling. Runs hot. Tendency to obsess. Shockingly witty. Loving. Loyal. Creative. Dramatic. Older than other children the same age. Wants to be everyone's mama. Responds only to positive reinforcement. Channels energy well. Surprisingly strong. Observant. Detail oriented. Forgets nothing. Leaves us asking, "where did she hear that?" Crushes on older girls. Falls in and out of love with people so fast it makes my head spin. Bread. Milky Brie. Olives. Fish. Father's elegant taste buds. Aversion to anything physically restrictive. Decisive. Unwavering. Immune to consequence or bribery. Insensitive in all the ways that Buby is sensitive. Painter. Crafter. Homebody. Acrobat. Die hard. At three years old wants to have five babies and be a photographer. The one feisty in a family of mellow.

Goofball. Fake laugh. Fake cry. Makes me laugh even when I really just want to cry. Gives best squeezey hugs. Kisses on lips. Good eater. Good sleeper. Loves to be carried. Refuses to play independently. Draws rainbows. Talks about friends nonstop but has a hard time letting them in. Competitive. Persistent. Non sentimental. First to jump. Likes to learn but lacks patience {this will come with time}. Refuses socks. Goes shirtless in car. Hears "no" and shuts down. Inquisitive. Chatterbox. Loves brothers. Bosses Buby. Protective. Imaginative. Attached. Likes to say thank you. Doesn't like to say sorry. Doesn't like doctors. Doesn't like strangers. Holds grudges. Chooses pink. Gets excited. Cries loud. Contagious zest for life. Awesome, uncontrollable giggle. Works at being a little bit flexible. Isn't always successful. Denies responsibility at first. Tests. Most joyous outdoors with room to breathe. Easy to cuddle and love. Difficult to parent.

At Bleu's three-year well visit her pediatrician {whom I've known for many years} told me it's an issue of temperament. Hers is just different from ours. Not so much a phase or age... but in her case a natural predisposition. DARN! I already knew it though.

Bleu was this determined the day we met her. She does everything early and on her own terms. She quickly challenged all that we had learned as parents the first time around. She sprints over egg shells and leaves me depleted most days. She may always be "spirited" {I say good for her... we would never crush that}, but it's up to us to choose our areas and to help her navigate through them.
Her nature is slightly more amplified now that she's a middle child, but the trickier aspects of her personality will be major assets later on. So they say.

Oh my girl. Even describing you is exhausting. I love you so much : - )

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

That's our bleu and we love all of her! Love you forever