01 November 2007


This was the first thing Buby uttered from bed this morning, around 6am. And he repeated the sentence over and over with such conviction. I heard it through the monitor and woke up laughing! He and galpal Gilly {the adorable cow above} trick-or-treated in our village last night. They {and sadly, all 4 parents} are Doodlebop groupies. Buby dressed as Mo the drummer for Halloween. His typical Mo quote is, "TA-DA, HERE I AM!" But last night, Gilly's dad kept telling him not to pull the rope {if you haven't seen the show, you are totally confused now}! Well, Buby got the joke and ran with it. It's been "NO PULLING THE ROPE, MO!" all morning around here. Thanks, Eric!


Annie said...

I recognized don't pull the rope right away. Your little man made a very adorable Mo!

allison said...

I don't know what "no pulling the rope" means. You'll have to fill me in. Cute pictures.

Lilypad Mom said...

They look adorable together! I can't wait to see BP live in costume tomorrow.

Grandma DJ said...

i love the pic .. love buby's sense of humor .. what a great mo he makes!! such wonderful memories for buby and friends!!
love you forever