05 November 2007

"Ride the Jeep, Mama?

We put Buby down for nap as usual on Sunday. He was exhausted. Got up early and played hard. The Little Dude almost always takes an afternoon snoozy. He was tucked in and all set for a 2-3 hour intermission. But by the time Daddy and I got back downstairs, we could hear him chanting through the monitor. It got louder and more excited with each breath. I ran up to see what was up. I walked in his room and peaked around the door. With all the energy in the world, he shouts "HI, MAMA!" I said "What's up, Sweet Pie, you don't want to nap?" He replied, "RIDE THE JEEP, MAMA??" {meaning his rugged four-wheeler from Graga and Grandpa.} Daddy came in and told him we could go riding if he napped first. I guess 2-year-olds don't quite grasp delayed gratification. Moments later, I was cooking lunch and Daddy went back up to check on him. The boys came down together with their "Let's go fishing" faces on. So we threw the four-wheeler and some fishing poles in the back of my car and took off for our favorite park.


Lilypad Mom said...

So much more fun than a nap!

allison said...

Cool photos. He really loves that jeep, doesn't he?

Grandma DJ said...

nice when the little one gets old enough where flexibility is once again yours!! the pics of buby on the jeep are so cute .. he is the best!!! love you forever

Anonymous said...

We're so glad he likes the jeep. Sorry if it's messing with his nap schedule. Miss you all!