15 October 2007

We're Baaaack

Florida was A LOT of fun. Relaxing good time. We got back yesterday. Sorry for the delay posting today... I spent the first 1 hr 24 minutes of Buby's nap on the phone with insurance reps trying to fix their clerical errors. So I'm in a bit of a tizzy now. But time's a ticking! Let's see how many photos I can share before Little Dude wakes up. And of course there will be more tomorrow. I know the grandparents are obsessively checking...

Our week off zoomed by fast. Buby and I both want Daddy back home again... just having him there every morning when we woke up and all day long was so many kinds of wonderful. We got spoiled by his presence, and now it's Monday and we miss him lots.

These photos were from our first day in Pompano Beach. I've been craving shepherd's pie, so when Grammy DJ and T.G. picked us up from the airport we headed straight over to Brinys {is that how you spell it?} for the most delicious lunch. We walked from there to the beach to show Buby the ocean waves. He became an instant beach bum. LOVED the sand, the sun, the water. After mornings at the beach, highlights of our South Florida vacation included: Dancing Under the Stars at Hollywood Beach, running the boardwalk with Buby, an old-fashioned rodeo in Davie {bull riding, barrel racing, the works!}, the Young at Art Children's Museum, fresh key lime pie, the Miami Seaquarium {dolphins, whales, sea lions oh my!}, boogie boarding at South Beach, and an air boat extravaganza through the Everglades... where an alligator came right up to the boat and Buby got to pet a baby one afterwards. Buby was amazing on the plane. We were scared. Apparently for no reason.

Love those baby toes in the sand.

Our first walk on the beach. Of course, not properly attired fresh off an airplane. {Yes, those are maternity pants.} Zoom in for a closer look at Buby's funny face. Those wild EYES! The weather was gorgeous all week. Sun. Subtle breeze. 89 degrees every day.


Anonymous said...

I miss our week together. I had so much fun playing with the family. You both really make me feel special. Much love.

Anonymous said...

there is nothing better than being a daddy or mommy .. except then becoming a grandma!! .. watching the three of you together is pure joy
.. love you forever

Triple the Love said...

Welcome back!! The trip looked like so much fun! We are soooo jealous!!!

allison said...

Welcome home! We missed you guys.

Anonymous said...

I was having serious withdrawl.... Glad you had so much fun and that the weather cooperated. I missed our daily talks.

Love you all!