23 October 2007

Picky Pumpkin Picker

Here's our picky pumpkin picker on Sunday afternoon. This is our third year gathering pumpkins with Buby, and we land at a new farm each time. It was slim pickings on Sunday, since we waited an extra week and the weather has been unseasonably warm in these parts. But still, we walked away with five perfectly pleasing pumpkins for Mommy, Daddy, Buby, Bebe, and Jazzy.

Buby saw rotten pumpkins and yelled, "Mommy... Daddy... Broken Pumpkin!"

He takes his job as pumpkin picker very seriously.

I took almost the same shot of Buby last year. I'll have to post that.

"See you Mommy, I'm off for more."

Buby's pumpkin seat. Click each image to enlarge.

Getting a lift.

Long hair! He's due for a trim.


Lilypad Mom said...

Good balance sitting on the pumpkins Buby!

allison said...

Fantastic photos! I still can't get over this crazy weather we've been having!

Triple the Love said...

What fun- Buby & Co. always do such fun things!

Grandma DJ said...

wonderful day!! great pics!!
love you forever