04 October 2007

On the Farm

Buby takes the wheel on Grampy J's tractor last weekend. It's one of his absolute favorite things to do whenever we're in town. We always make time for a ride on Grampy's tractor.

Yes, we brought Buby's four-wheeler all the way to Family Land with us. It took up the entire back of our Explorer, but Buby really wanted to ride it on the farm. Can you tell who's in the driver's seat in this family?? After this session, we brought it over to Uncle Mike's and Aunt Mel's, and Buby gave 2-month-old cousin Sidney a ride around the yard {sort of}.

Going his own way.


Triple the Love said...

Love the pics!!! Grampie J. just loves giving tractor rides and Buby's welcome to bring his ride to our home anytime :)

Lilypad Mom said...

What a great place for Buby to ride!

allison said...

I think it's great you drove all the way up there with Buby's jeep!