05 October 2007

Old Photo Friday

Two friends hiking in the desert almost 10 years ago. Maria on the left; me on the right. The photographer du jour is My Sweets. We lived in Arizona for a while finishing college/grad school, and in that time we both came away with a good friend. Maria was mine. She's one of the most sincere, honest, loving people I've ever met in my life. She makes me laugh until I cry. We're worlds apart in so many ways and exactly the same person in others. That intrigues me. We've both moved on and now live many thousand miles away from each other. Honestly, I'm the worst kind of long distance friend. {My many ex good friends will attest to that.} But we've managed to hang in there after all these years. She's back in Arizona this week visiting family, and I'm remembering this lovely day in the mountains.

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