25 October 2007


Usually I can't stand the site of anything holidayish until we've at least gotten through the pumpkin and candy phase. But I make an exception for my Sundance catalog. The holiday edition just arrived this afternoon, and it's as radiant as ever. I'm ultra picky about cover photography, but Robert Redford's Sundance always gets it right.


allison said...

I'm stunned at the amount of Christmas catalogs that have been landing here lately. But this Sundance cover really does look good.

Buby + Bleu said...

I know. And I get a zillion more than the average Joe b/c of my job. I get 10 a day sometimes from pr reps.

Lilypad Mom said...

I used to get this catalog all the time (it didn't follow me when I moved). I love everything in it.

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

I'm so in the Christmas mood and I wish I got all those fun Christmas catalogs...how do I sign up for them???

Alana Goldstein said...

I love this cover too!! We have gotten a lot of catalogs recently too!!