30 October 2007

I See You

When you smile or squint, I see your dimples off to the side. When you laugh, I see your mouth wide open and the glitter in your eyes. When I see your face, I see the many stages of yet-to-be Buby. I see an older man hanging Christmas lights for his family. I see a young guy going after his dreams. I see a teenager quizzing me at the kitchen table. I see him as strong and sweet. I see a boy full of love and joy and challenges to meet. I see our Terrific Two overcome with giggles and pride and a love for books and music. When I see your face, I see clever like I've never seen it before, I see deliberate mischievousness, I see curiosity and contentment. And I see our itty bitty first born coming home from the hospital so cozy and new. "I SEE YOU" is just one of your many favorite phrases right now.

Buby puddle fishes in the driveway as Daddy and I prepare to take him down to the river to really cast a few before dinner.

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