03 October 2007

Grape Fest

We returned late Monday from a fantastically long weekend in Family Land. The boys {dad, husband, brother, brother-in-law, etc.} were all set for a 12-hour tailgating extravaganza and pro football game. So on Sunday morning, Buby and I picked up my mom and went to breakfast. Buby ate toast and fruit. I had my first hot chocolate with whipped cream of the season. Hmmm, delightful! Then we ventured out to the country for a time-honored tradition {okay, this is only the second year} of buying Buby's winter gear from here. This is the coat and this is the hat. Gosh he looks adorable in them. THANKS GRAGA & BOMPOW! Then it was on to this amazingly famous Grape Festival about an hour away. The scent of purple pinchy grapes in the air was just what I craved on this sunny Fall day. We parked in a grassy lot and walked. And walked. And walked. It was crowded but worth every gentle nudge and squeeze-through maneuver with our stroller. This lake town gets all decked out in purple. It is known for its grapes and wines and beautiful vistas. On the way home I almost ran out of gas for the first time. Almost.

Who doesn't love a purple porta potty?

Grape country is breathtakingly beautiful.

I ate a quart of these grapes in less than 10 minutes.


Lilypad Mom said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend. The grape festival sounds like it was alot of fun, the area is beautiful. Buby is going to look adorable in that coat!

allison said...

I love the purple hydrant. So cool. Great photos.